Girl Names that Start with A
Abigail | Hewbrew | Source of Joy | |
Aba | African | Born on a Thursday | |
Abbie | Hebrew | my father's joy | |
Abby | Hebrew | my father's joy | |
Abeni | African | girl prayed for | |
Abigail | Hebrew | My father's joy | |
Abina | Girl born on a Tuesday | ||
Abira | Hebrew | Strong | |
Acacia | Hebrew | Thorny, naive | |
Acantha | Greek | Thorny | |
Accalia | Latin | ||
Ada | Teutonic | Prosperous, Happy | |
Adelaide | Teutonic | Noble, Of Good Cheer | |
Adine | Hebrew | Delicate | |
Adria | Feminine of Adrian | ||
Adrienne | Feminine of Adrian | ||
Agatha | Greek | The Good | |
Agnes | Greek | Pure, Gentle | |
Aileen | Greek | Light | |
Ailsa | Teutonic | Noble, Of Good Cheer | |
Aimee | French | Beloved | |
Airlia | Greek | Ethereal | |
Alanna | Celtic | Fair | |
Alarice | Teutonic | Ruler of All | |
Alberta | Teutonic | Noble, Brilliant | |
Alda | Teutonic | Rich | |
Aldora | Greek | Winged Gift | |
Alethea | Greek | Truth, Sincerity | |
Aleta | Latin | Bird Like | |
Alexandra | Greek | Helper of Mankind | |
Alfreda | Teutonic | Supernaturally Wise | |
Alice | Teutonic | Noble, Of Good Cheer | |
Alisa | Variant of Alice | ||
Alina | Celtic | Fair | |
Alison | Teutonic | Of Sacred Flame | |
Allegra | Old French | Cheerful | |
Alma | Latin | Nourishing | |
Almeta | Latin | Ambitious | |
Almira | Arabic | Princess | |
Aloysia | Teutonic | Famous in War | |
Althea | Greek | Wholesome, Healing | |
Alva | Spanish-Latin | Fair | |
Alvina | Teutonic | Beloved by All | |
Alvita | Latin | Vivacious | |
Alysia | Greek | Captivating | |
Alyssa | Teutonic | Noble, Of Good Cheer | |
Amabelle | Latin | Loveable | |
Amanda | Latin | Loveable | |
Amara | Greek | Unfading | |
Amaryllis | Greek | Fresh, Sparkling | |
Amber | Arabic | Jewel | |
Ambrosine | Greek | Immortal | |
Amity | Latin | The Friendly | |
Amorette | Latin | Little Love | |
Amorita | Latin | Beloved | |
Anastasia | Greek | One who shall rise again | |
Andrea | Feminine of Andrew | ||
Andromeda | Greek | From Mythology | |
Angela | Greek | Angelic | |
Angelica | Italian form of Angela | ||
Anita | Hewbrew | Grace | |
Ann | Hewbrew | Grace, Mercy | |
Anne | Hebrew | Grace, Mercy | |
Annabelle | Celtic | Joy | |
Annette | Variant of Anne | ||
Anthea | Greek | Flower Like | |
Antoinette | Latin | Beyond Praise | |
Antonia | Latin | Beyond Praise | |
April | English | To Open Up | |
Ara | Teutonic | Eagle Maid | |
Ardelis | Latin | Industrious | |
Ardelle | Latin | Industrious | |
Ardella | Latin | Industrious | |
Ardis | Latin | Eager | |
Aretina | Greek | Virtuous | |
Ariana | Welsh | Silvery | |
Ariella | Hewbrew | Lion of God | |
Arilda | Teutonic | Hearth, Home | |
Arleen | Celtic | A Pledge | |
Armilla | Latin | A Bracelet | |
Aspasia | Greek | The Welcome | |
Astra | Greek | Starlike | |
Astrid | Teutonic | Impulsive in Love | |
Athalia | Hewbrew | The Lord is Mighty | |
Athena | Greek | Wisdom | |
Audrey | Teutonic | Strong | |
Augusta | Latin | The Exalted, Sacred | |
Austine | Latin | The Exalted | |
Aurelia | Latin | Golden | |
Avis | Latin | A Bird | |
Azalea | Hebrew | Spared by Jehovah |